FINE HR Consulting, LLC

FINE HR Consulting, LLC

Business Name: FINE HR Consulting, LLC

Business Owner: Tynesha O'Quinn

Category: Business Support & Supplies

Phone Number: 919-438-2780

Business Description: FINE HR Consulting provides customized HR services to small and medium sized businesses, with a white-glove approach. That includes anything from recruitment, compliance, employee relations, onboarding, compensation management, etc. Mission Through strategic partnerships and collaboration, we aim to enrich the lives of our clients by delivering exceptional HR services. Our focus is on providing tailored solutions that enhance internal HR practices and drive overall business success. Values Our organization is committed to excellence in everything we do. We aspire to be recognized as world-class HR consulting partners, guided by a servant leadership approach that prioritizes the success and growth of those we serve The Core Values of FINE HR Consulting are intentionally based on biblical principles: Integrity: This is our foundation. Trust is critical in any business relationship, so we operate at a professional and ethical level of excellence in order to earn and maintain your trust. Good Stewardship: We are passionate about helping people and will ensure that we make good use of the resources provided to us to make the right investments in your business, people, and infrastructure. "Second Mile" Mentality: We will go well beyond the “first mile” to get the job done as we are determined to ensure your business is prepared for a long, successful journey. “Well Done” Mindset: Our success is not just about outcomes, but about hearing the two most powerful words in the English language: "Well done." This is why we are committed to excellence in everything we do.

BGC holds no accountability for the quality of work done or responsibility for anything that occurs as a result of using this listed business. 

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