30 Day Consecration
Daily Prayer and Meditation
Message from Pastor Akinbinu
Praise the name of the Lord who has graced us to see 2024. We are looking forward to all that God has in store for this year! As we seek to grow and cultivate a community that is awe-inspiring and aligns with God’s intended purpose for the Church, we want to start the year in a 30-day period of consecration. Consecration, biblically, means to be holy, set aside, or set apart for holy purposes. Leviticus 10:7 says, “Consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy, for I am the Lord your God.” In light of this command, we see God’s people engage in periods of consecration throughout the Scriptures. Consecration before the law is given on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19), as the Aaronic priesthood is established (Exodus 29), and the crossing through the Jordan and into the land of Promise (Joshua 3) are just a few times when consecration is mentioned. In the New Testament, believers are to be set-apart or sanctified in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:2), which should entail a complete consecration of our entire being (1 Thessalonians 5:23). The Church is called to be consecrated.
Towards this end, we are asking all members to unite in this consecration period by doing the following:
- Joining for the daily prayer call and praying according to the daily prayer focus
- Meditate upon the daily Scriptures that align with the prayer focus (provided on consecration calendar).
- Engage in the daily worship videos that will be sent out via Social Media platforms (notifications may be sent by text as well). Consecrate your heart and mind by only listening to music that is Christ-exalting and gospel-centered.
- Consecration also includes sacrifice or self-denial for the purpose of communing with God. I am asking each member to prayerfully consider how you will sacrifice to give more time and unimpeded devotion to God during these 30 days. Some suggestions are: Skip a meal, skip dessert, limit television and social media time etc.
- This period of consecration is for all ages and the entire family. We encourage you to participate in “table-talk” or conversations related to the prayer focus, daily Scripture, or from your personal devotion as you eat dinner with your family. You may even do a family devotion at dinner.
During this time, I am believing that God is going to prepare our hearts and spirits for all that God has in store for this year and the years to come.
1/7 Church Matters Hebrews 10:19-25, Focus on v. 25
1/8 Church Matters to GodDeuteronomy 12:5
1/9Church Matters to JesusMatthew 12:9
1/10 Church Matters to the ApostlesLuke 24:35
1/11 Church Matters, it's a Serious CommitmentLuke 4:16
1/12 Church Matters, it's a blessingPsalm 84:4
1/13 Church Matters for Growth and DevelopmentMark 1:21 and Luke 4:15
1/14Uncommon CommunityActs 2:41-47, focus verse 44
1/15A sense of belonging Romans 12:5
1/16Coming together as one body 1 Corinthians 10:17 and 1 Corinthians 12:12
1/17We are all one in ChristGalatians 3:28
1/18Unity in the faithEphesians 4:13
1/19United in Mind and Thought1 Corinthians 1:10
1/20 Unity through the bond of PeaceEphesians 4:13
1/21This We Believe (Unity in Doctrinal Teaching)Acts 2:42-47, focus verse 42 “Devoted themselves to the apostles teaching.”
1/22Sharing the truth of the gospel Acts 4:20
1/23Stay the courseGalatians 6:9
1/24Stand firm in the Lord1 Corinthians 15:58
1/25Conduct that’s worthy of ChristPhilippians 1:27
1/26Hold fast to the teaching2 Thessalonians 2:15
1/27Stand firm in the faith 1 Peter 5:9
2/4United in Congregational CareActs 2:42-47, focus verse 45 “And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.”
2/5Considering the community in the harvestRuth 2:15
2/6Good things, especially for the family Galatians 6:10
2/7Taking care of homeMalachi 3:10
2/8What measure will you receive?Luke 6:38
2/9What is your reaping plan?2 Corinthians 9:6
2/10Satisfying the needs of othersIsahiah 58:10
Additional Resources
Kids/family References:
I believe (22 Sessions)
Theo Church Edition (Volume 1)
Tech-Wise Family
Becoming a Missional Family