“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Instead, set an example for the believers through your speech, behavior, love, faith, and purity.” – 1 Timothy 4:12
Stay Connected!
This Week’s Lesson
Watch lessons created just for youth.
Deep Dive Podcast
Hosted by three of BGC’s very own youth, join McKenna Kearney, Laila Thompson, and Josh Gorham, as they take a deep dive into God’s word and how it applies to the lives of Gen-Z.
BGC Youth Events
Immersion Youth Mission Statement
(Why We Exist)
Our Mission is to equip students for authentic relationship with God.

Monthly Schedule
1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sundays
Worship in the white Sanctuary Building, Fellowship Hall, 10am. During these times the youth have an opportunity to lead and engage in worship, prayer, announcements, offering, and to engage the scriptures on a level relevant to where they are along their journey.
4th Sundays
Worship in the Multi-Use Facility with our families. During this time the youth have an opportunity to lead our adults in worship. Youth serve as Ushers, Praise Team Singers, Praise Dancers, AV Attendants, New Life Counselors, and Greeters. They lead in prayer as well as welcome guest worshipers.
5th Sundays
Service Sundays: On 5th Sundays, Youth have an opportunity to serve beyond the four walls of our church.
Tuesday Nights
Middle School and High School Life Groups via Zoom, 7p & 8p respectively
Middle School Mtg ID 883 0723 5526 Passcode 865820
High School Mtg ID 829 1741 1312 Passcode: 989851
Middle School
Middle School students need lots of variety, creativity, challenges, and FUN. They are discovering who they are and what their place and purpose is in the world. They are unpredictable, caring, funny and intelligent, all rolled into one. Here at Baptist Grove Church, we have a ministry just for them as we train them to be the individuals and community of people God intends for them to be. Middle Schoolers – We welcome you!

High School
Students seek meaningful relationships, meaningful conversations, and genuine authenticity. They not only seek it from family, friends, youth leaders, but they also seek it from the only one who can best give it –GOD! Here at BGC our prayer is that every student will be empowered first and foremost in their relationship with God, then in their relationship with others and lastly in their relationship with the world.