
Living to Serve

Volunteer  Job Description


Ministry: Kerygma (AV)

Team Lead: Rev. Micah Thomas

Virtual or On-Site: On-Site

Volunteers Needed: 4

Volunteer Job Description:

The Photography Ministry captures life-change at BGC. From Sunday Worship to special events, the photography ministry is vital to sharing the ministry and story of BGC.

Photos are used to share all that is happen at BGC through our digital outlets and beyond.

Do I Need My Own Equipment? 
Not required. We will provide a DSLR camera for you to use if you do not have your own.

Spiritual Gifts:

Spiritual Gifts that align with this ministry are listed below. You may have one or more of these gifts which may contribute to your being a good addition to the team.

Discernment – The ability to recognize and to affirm the skills, talents and spiritual gifts of other people, especially other Christians
Encouragement – The capacity to encourage others, in groups and individually, with understanding, sympathy, and positive guidance
Hospitality – The ability to meet the basic social needs of and to extend care to strangers, persons beyond one’s immediate circle of friends
Knowledge – The capacity to cognitively comprehend the complexities of God’s Truth and to explain these complexities to others.
Missions – The ability to move beyond race, culture, faith tradition, nationality, or lifestyle to meet the physical and spiritual needs of neglected peoples
Service -The ability to perform the most basic acts of kindness as a means to glorify God and to embody the Gospel
Wisdom – The capacity to convincingly illustrate the mystery of God’s truth in very concrete practical and specific ways


Not sure if this position is right for you? Take our spiritual gits assessment to learn your gifts.

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