Patty Braswell-Isler Fathom Realty

Patty Braswell-Isler Fathom Realty

Business Name: Patty Braswell-Isler Fathom Realty

Business Owner: Patty Braswell-Isler

Category: Real Estate

Phone Number: 919-810-7726

Business Description: Assist clients in the sell or purchase of real estate. I serve the Triangle and it's surrounding areas. I wanted a career where I could provide a service and real estate allows me to do just that. I love helping people who never felt they could be a homeowner or, those who own a home and are wanting to move on to another one. The process can be daunting and it is my desire to make it as stress free as possible.

BGC holds no accountability for the quality of work done or responsibility for anything that occurs as a result of using this listed business. 

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