Encouragers Ministry

Living to Serve

Volunteer  Job Description


Ministry: Encouragers Ministry

Team Lead: Katrina Tatum

Virtual or On-Site: Virtual

Co-Team Lead: Nichol Scott

Volunteer Job Description:

Ministry Purpose:  The Ministry of Encouragement is for all persons attending BGC services online and has a national and international reach. The Encourager Ministry affirms, extends hospitality and inspiration, guides worshipers to ministerial services offered by BGC, shares Biblical truths, and engages in prayer with persons worshiping in the virtual sanctuary. 

Scripture Foundation:

  • To encourage, comfort and build up one another. ( 1 Thess 5:11)
  • When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose, for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were added to the Lord. (Acts 11:23-24)

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Engage with worshipers online during Sunday services and other events as scheduled
  • Share pre-approved content with online worshipers
  • Attend required ministry meetings and trainings

Volunteer Needs:

  • Church Online Platform
  • Facebook
  • YouTube

Requirements to serve:

  • Spiritually mature 
  • Attend required 30 minute training
  • Strong technological skills to work within a chat feature online
  • Access to a laptop, desktop computer, and/or tablet 
  • Some knowledge of YouTube and/or Facebook 

Time Commitment:

  • Sunday Service (time commitment based on service and frequency)
  • 1 hour for Ministry Meetings and Training 
Spiritual Gifts:

Spiritual Gifts: 

  • Discernment – The ability to recognize and to affirm the skills, talents, and spiritual gifts of other people, especially other Christians 
  • Encouragement – The capacity to encourage others, in groups and individually, with understanding, sympathy, and positive guidance
  • Service – The ability to perform the most basic acts of kindness as a means to glorify God and to embody the Gospel
  • Helps – The ability and overwhelming desire to aid persons in need
  • Wisdom – The capacity to convincingly illustrate the mystery of God’s truth in very concrete practical and specific ways

Not sure if this position is right for you? Take our spiritual gits assessment to learn your gifts.

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