Social Media Air Team

Living to Serve

Volunteer  Job Description


Ministry: Media

Team Lead: Rev. Micah Thomas, Minister of Media

Virtual or On-Site: Virtual

Co-Team Lead: Abby Rodebaugh, Media Specialist

Volunteer Job Description:

The Social Media Air Team is dedicated to sharing BGC social media content with excitement and encouragement.

Our goal is to share, comment, and like BGC content to help reach a wider audience.

  • Help spread BGC social media content by commenting, liking, and sharing posts
  • Actively engage with others on social media in comments and shares.
Spiritual Gifts:

Spiritual Gifts that align with this ministry are listed below. You may have one or more of these gifts which may contribute to your being a good addition to the team.

Administration – The ability to organize resources and persons for effective ministry
Community Builder –  The ability to help create koinonia, that unique type of inclusive fellowship that characterized the early Christian church
Encouragement – The capacity to encourage others, in groups and individually, with understanding, sympathy, and positive guidance
Evangelism – The capacity to discern when and how the Gospel message should be communicated to persons outside the Christian community
Service -The ability to perform the most basic acts of kindness as a means to glorify God and to embody the Gospel


Not sure if this position is right for you? Take our spiritual gits assessment to learn your gifts.

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